Thursday, March 19, 2009

Research in the world does one research old stuff? i mean, like, really, really, REALLY old stuff! the book i am reading, which i just got the other day and i'm half finished--yes! it is THAT interesting! but the chapter-parts are separated (and named) according to chronological years--are you ready?--beginning with A.D. 100! i KNOW!! we're talking one thousand-nine hundred-nine years ago! i mean, WHERE exactly is that section in my local library?

from there it goes to A.D. 100-325. another jump to A.D. 325 to 600. part 4 (the part i'm up to now) goes from A.D. 600 to 1517. ooooh, big jump, there! y'know what is shocking? some of the problems these dear people were going through literally a thousand years ago were precisely the same as some of the problems our world is presently facing! isn't that incredible?

i know. a thousand years is usually my cliche for something i did a long, long time ago, but this non-fiction book is really telling of things a thousand years ago. i'm so fascinated by how the author had even begun to think about gathering his research for writing this book. it's not like you can call a white-haired relative, Umm, uncle eddie, uh, do you or aunt mabel remember that situation that ummm..." nor is it a "man on the street" interview you could ever conduct. wow! i mean, just how far back does "wiki" go, anyway?

i am impressed, really. not only with the vast amount of interesting information in this book, but also, as i mentioned, that there truly IS nothing new under the sun.

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