lest i forget the name of my blog.... a true and simple JOY in my life has always been, most definitely is still---and likely always will be---seeing a bird take a bath! such EXUBERANCE! such JOY! such SPLASHING! such JOY! such DUNKING! such JOY! such FLUTTERING! such JOY!
whitey, the new parakeet (last november) just now discovered he can climb into his water dish to take a bath! i think he is copying rudy (our 8 year old canary) who much prefers bathing in his water than drinking it! cloudy (5 yr old keet)...well, cloudy, she marches to a different drum. she just likes to lap up the little splash-droplets that land on the cage bars.
the other day while driving, i saw 2 robins splashing away in their "makeshift tub" (dirty rain puddle in the street). but they had an absolute ball! they didn't want to get out, and when they did, they were so heavily weighted with water on their feathers, i thought for sure i heard them go: WHHOOOA!! as they swooped low, then flapped harder to gain altitude, dripping as they flew off.
i remember when my little kid-lets loved their baths and playing in the tub; never wanting to get out. "your little fingers look like RAISINS!" i'd tell them. "they're all wrinkled from so much water." in my mind, it was a MOM who changed the design of the old fashioned bath tubs. they used to be rounded and not much more than a few inches. definitely uncomfortable to sit on for any period of time as you tended your toddler playing in the bath water. soon the design changed to a much wider, and flat surface. ok! now, that's MUCH better!
and, in ALL of life, there is little to compare to that smell, and that feel of wrapping in a towel your little toddler, fresh from the tub, wet hair and dripping little limbs, puffy little bumm...as you cuddle and warm them with a hug that stays with you all your years, no matter how old those toddlers get.
maybe that's partly why i just LOVE to see birds take a bath. such a happy and JOY-ful sight! it is impossible not to smile as i watch and enJOY it so very much. a little water, a little bird, a LOT of JOY!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
The Masters
the most difficult thing (I THINK!) about doing a painting, is deciding WHAT to paint! i was wonderfully treated yesterday to the exhibit at the art museum called "Cezanne and Beyond." (the beyond was that 18 additional painters were also part of mr paul's exhibit...several of whom i'd heard of and the others, not). it is always a thrill for me to go to art museums...in any city, really. there's something about looking at the works of the masters that stirs me up. it kinda nudges and gently wakens the creative part of my brain. then i get home and just, just, YES! i wanna PAINT! where's my canvas? where's my paints? where are my brushes?
we enjoyed the exhibit very much...altho the yukky part is putting on those same earphones that someone else just took off....eeeewww, gross! but i tried not to think about someone else's ear-germies because i really appreciate the audio tours. i learn so much. it was incredibly crowded, and like we commented: who knew so many people (of all ages) were that interested in cezanne?! it's neat that they are, tho. but it made it tricky to weave in and out of the crowds to get a full view of the paintings. sometimes i like to view them from the other side of the room, and other times i like to get "up close and personal" to see the brush strokes, the blendings of colors, the density of the paint on the canvas. i get a lot from both the close up inspection as well as the distant viewing.
just to gaze upon a master's work, does something to me! i've usually read about most of the artists before i go to see their works, so it takes me back in time when i look at the real life thing, and not just a print in an oversized art book. one thing is clear to me, at least in my humble opinion: the masters never had the problem each day of, hmmm...what shall i paint today? they just set out, or looked out, or went out...with their "bud" usually, and painted whatever. cezanne, for instance, painted many, many, many of the mountain that was in his view right out his window. sometimes the paintings looked alike and other times he took a different approach and it was a fresh view.
i have to admit tho, i have no mountain view out my window, as did cezanne; nor do i have the extravagant gardens that monet had, nor the available models that renoir had...so it's a little trickier to find subject matter. as i turn now and look out my nook window, okay, no. all i see is the neighbor's empty trash can blowing down the street! that's too warhol-ish! it's also been a thousand years since i've done any plein aire painting. but i'm definitely being nudged. i can feel it. i'll let you know what i come up with. it'll likely be a still life. i've done the last couple in pastel, but i think i'll try one in acrylic for a change. plus, i know a couple other special people who might just get stirred up, and if I paint, maybe they will also paint. i know one who does really, really great watercolors, and another who did a beautiful triptych of a tree. (is triptych the word i want? close; i'm not sure.) nevertheless. sometimes creativity needs a little stirring. are you feeling it?
we enjoyed the exhibit very much...altho the yukky part is putting on those same earphones that someone else just took off....eeeewww, gross! but i tried not to think about someone else's ear-germies because i really appreciate the audio tours. i learn so much. it was incredibly crowded, and like we commented: who knew so many people (of all ages) were that interested in cezanne?! it's neat that they are, tho. but it made it tricky to weave in and out of the crowds to get a full view of the paintings. sometimes i like to view them from the other side of the room, and other times i like to get "up close and personal" to see the brush strokes, the blendings of colors, the density of the paint on the canvas. i get a lot from both the close up inspection as well as the distant viewing.
just to gaze upon a master's work, does something to me! i've usually read about most of the artists before i go to see their works, so it takes me back in time when i look at the real life thing, and not just a print in an oversized art book. one thing is clear to me, at least in my humble opinion: the masters never had the problem each day of, hmmm...what shall i paint today? they just set out, or looked out, or went out...with their "bud" usually, and painted whatever. cezanne, for instance, painted many, many, many of the mountain that was in his view right out his window. sometimes the paintings looked alike and other times he took a different approach and it was a fresh view.
i have to admit tho, i have no mountain view out my window, as did cezanne; nor do i have the extravagant gardens that monet had, nor the available models that renoir had...so it's a little trickier to find subject matter. as i turn now and look out my nook window, okay, no. all i see is the neighbor's empty trash can blowing down the street! that's too warhol-ish! it's also been a thousand years since i've done any plein aire painting. but i'm definitely being nudged. i can feel it. i'll let you know what i come up with. it'll likely be a still life. i've done the last couple in pastel, but i think i'll try one in acrylic for a change. plus, i know a couple other special people who might just get stirred up, and if I paint, maybe they will also paint. i know one who does really, really great watercolors, and another who did a beautiful triptych of a tree. (is triptych the word i want? close; i'm not sure.) nevertheless. sometimes creativity needs a little stirring. are you feeling it?
Burnt Toast
it's truly amazing how much one can accomplish before seven-thirty a.m.! bless his heart, my dear hubby had the alarm set for 3 a.m., drank his coffee, packed his lunch, and was out the door for work before 4 a.m.! and...he is NOT a milkman! 3 and 4 should only be observed on one's clock in the P.M., NOT the a.m.!!! he's likely looking at a 14-hour day and i feel really badly for him. if only his company could get more organized. they had no work for him last thurs or friday, now all of a sudden they want him to do 2 days work in one. just doesn't seem right. with so many people out of work, we're very grateful he has work, but it sure would be nice if they could just even it out a tad for him.
i have the laundry finished and am still trying to get the wretched smell of burnt toast out of the house! i put a slice of bread in the toaster about, i don't know, 4:30, or so?? when it popped up it wasn't as dark as i like it, so i pressed the toaster down for another go-around. BUT! then i proceeded to move a load of laundry from the washer to the dryer, which is only 8 ft away from the toaster, but glanced over and saw smoke pouring out the top of the toaster! o for pete's sake! NOW look what you've gone and done! i thought for sure the smoke alarm was going to sound, but i threw open several windows and turned on the ceiling fan. it stayed a bit hazy for a while, and now, 3 hours later, it still stinks! guess next time i'll stand right there and watch the durn thing!
on a brighter note, the sun is now up and tho quite windy, it looks to be a decent day. the forsythia is blooming, the birds are nesting, the farmers' fields have been plowed; daffodils and hyacinths are blooming and all is well. i believe i'll try finishing my book today. we started to track the books we've read. hubby has already completed 7 since january, and if i complete this one i'm working on before tomorrow, it will also be my 7th. also, in between the seven i've read, i'm also reading through the Bible again. i started in january and so far have read through 18 out of 66 books. i'm going through both the Old and New Testaments, so i'm now up to II Samuel in the Old, and Ephesians in the New. this will be my second time through the Amplified translation, which is my favorite. i forget what all the others were that i've read through: Living Bible, Revised Version, New King James, and a few others. the Amplified tho, remains my favorite. it is so clear and easier to understand.
well, guess i'll try my hand at another piece of toast. i promise to be more careful this time!
i have the laundry finished and am still trying to get the wretched smell of burnt toast out of the house! i put a slice of bread in the toaster about, i don't know, 4:30, or so?? when it popped up it wasn't as dark as i like it, so i pressed the toaster down for another go-around. BUT! then i proceeded to move a load of laundry from the washer to the dryer, which is only 8 ft away from the toaster, but glanced over and saw smoke pouring out the top of the toaster! o for pete's sake! NOW look what you've gone and done! i thought for sure the smoke alarm was going to sound, but i threw open several windows and turned on the ceiling fan. it stayed a bit hazy for a while, and now, 3 hours later, it still stinks! guess next time i'll stand right there and watch the durn thing!
on a brighter note, the sun is now up and tho quite windy, it looks to be a decent day. the forsythia is blooming, the birds are nesting, the farmers' fields have been plowed; daffodils and hyacinths are blooming and all is well. i believe i'll try finishing my book today. we started to track the books we've read. hubby has already completed 7 since january, and if i complete this one i'm working on before tomorrow, it will also be my 7th. also, in between the seven i've read, i'm also reading through the Bible again. i started in january and so far have read through 18 out of 66 books. i'm going through both the Old and New Testaments, so i'm now up to II Samuel in the Old, and Ephesians in the New. this will be my second time through the Amplified translation, which is my favorite. i forget what all the others were that i've read through: Living Bible, Revised Version, New King James, and a few others. the Amplified tho, remains my favorite. it is so clear and easier to understand.
well, guess i'll try my hand at another piece of toast. i promise to be more careful this time!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Scheduled Outage
well, thanks to blogger for warning us that there will be a scheduled outage at 4 pm PDT today. as i look over at the windowsill in the nook, my little kitty-cat has already begun her scheduled outage--she's sleeping soundly, curled up in her little kitty-bed. the sun typically shines in on her in this spot, and she's patiently waiting. i don't have the heart to tell her that it's to be grey and rainy all day today.
so, i've decided to adopt that terminology: scheduled outage. if i want to take time out and read my latest book, i can just schedule an outage. or if i feel an increase in yawnings, i can schedule an outage and take a short nap. if i feel the need for fresh air, i can schedule an outage and sit in my swing in the backyard. if i really need a lift, or just want to express my JOY, i can schedule an outage and spend an hour or so, playing my new autoharp and singing old hymns, and yes! even Christmas carols! it matters not in the least, that this is March, going on April. the carols are just as enjoyable. sometimes i sing them on a hot summer day and it cools me off.
now, granted, since i am almost 15 months into my "new" retirement, EVERY DAY is a scheduled outage! but, hey; humor me. i have "to-do" lists most days, too, y'know. and it is always fun to transform a to-do list to a tah-dah list. but still...sometimes we all need a JOY refresher.
blogger states that it is for maintenance.... well, yes, i'll go along with that. my JOY benefits from periodic maintenance as well. good old fashioned singing, praying, reading my Bible, resting, laughing, chatting with kids 'n' kidlets, walking, hugging, crosswording, chrocheting; they are each forms of maintenance. so, join blogger and me in adding a scheduled outage to your to-do list today.
so, i've decided to adopt that terminology: scheduled outage. if i want to take time out and read my latest book, i can just schedule an outage. or if i feel an increase in yawnings, i can schedule an outage and take a short nap. if i feel the need for fresh air, i can schedule an outage and sit in my swing in the backyard. if i really need a lift, or just want to express my JOY, i can schedule an outage and spend an hour or so, playing my new autoharp and singing old hymns, and yes! even Christmas carols! it matters not in the least, that this is March, going on April. the carols are just as enjoyable. sometimes i sing them on a hot summer day and it cools me off.
now, granted, since i am almost 15 months into my "new" retirement, EVERY DAY is a scheduled outage! but, hey; humor me. i have "to-do" lists most days, too, y'know. and it is always fun to transform a to-do list to a tah-dah list. but still...sometimes we all need a JOY refresher.
blogger states that it is for maintenance.... well, yes, i'll go along with that. my JOY benefits from periodic maintenance as well. good old fashioned singing, praying, reading my Bible, resting, laughing, chatting with kids 'n' kidlets, walking, hugging, crosswording, chrocheting; they are each forms of maintenance. so, join blogger and me in adding a scheduled outage to your to-do list today.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Musical Spring
a few unrelated items, otherwise, not a whole lot new going on these days. we are coming up on my favorite month, which will arrive this time next week. the thing that i love about the month of april is that it gets more and more beautiful with each passing day! i always thought that if i were to stand perfectly still on any given day, i would be able to actually SEE things growing! right now, as the tiny leaf-buds are casting a lime haze, interspersed with a reddish haze, it's as if an air hose flung out of God's hands and sporadically sprayed a very light mist of color on the bare branched trees. try it--go ahead, i'll wait here for you; go look to the horizon at the bare trees. see it? see the lime and raspberry mist dusting the landscape? it's the promise of growth and color to burst forth! every day in april, it will become more pink, more green, more yellow, more white, more purple, more, more, more...and MORE! my advice for everyone is to stop! stop (at least) once a day, just to see how everything looks brighter and prettier than it did the day before. that's your homework assignment for april.
now then, i am amusing myself in new ways since the arrival of my new "toy!" well, it is far from a toy really! but anything that i buy that i don't consider a necessity, i refer to as a toy. but this is a genuine musical instrument; one that has several names actually. the older name is zither; it is also sometimes called a chromaharp (which is actually the brand name). and i call it an autoharp. i first played one "a thousand years ago" in elementary school. then back in the early 80's i strummed a bit, and now just really had the hankerin' to get one.
it was a bit of a nightmare and took 6 long weeks, but i picked it up this week and have been THOROUGHLY en-JOY-ing the sounds ever since. i surprised myself by actually being a little better at playing it than i recall doing in the 80's. the sound is so, so lovely. it is soothing and soft on the ears and melodic and beautiful. and one of the nice things is that it is not bothersome to anyone because it is not particularly a loud instrument. if i use the picks, the sound is much louder. but if i strum with my finger it is a quiet, un-obtrusive, personal kind of music. i was upstairs the other day, playing and strummin' away, singing to me and my cat! next thing i knew, two hours had passed! o my! two wonderful, fun, worshipful hours. music is SUCH A JOY! it lightens any load.
now then, i am amusing myself in new ways since the arrival of my new "toy!" well, it is far from a toy really! but anything that i buy that i don't consider a necessity, i refer to as a toy. but this is a genuine musical instrument; one that has several names actually. the older name is zither; it is also sometimes called a chromaharp (which is actually the brand name). and i call it an autoharp. i first played one "a thousand years ago" in elementary school. then back in the early 80's i strummed a bit, and now just really had the hankerin' to get one.
it was a bit of a nightmare and took 6 long weeks, but i picked it up this week and have been THOROUGHLY en-JOY-ing the sounds ever since. i surprised myself by actually being a little better at playing it than i recall doing in the 80's. the sound is so, so lovely. it is soothing and soft on the ears and melodic and beautiful. and one of the nice things is that it is not bothersome to anyone because it is not particularly a loud instrument. if i use the picks, the sound is much louder. but if i strum with my finger it is a quiet, un-obtrusive, personal kind of music. i was upstairs the other day, playing and strummin' away, singing to me and my cat! next thing i knew, two hours had passed! o my! two wonderful, fun, worshipful hours. music is SUCH A JOY! it lightens any load.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Beautiful Little Chapel
I thought it would be easier if i wrote out what i wanted to say, rather than depend on remembering it all on the spot. i sent a copy to my brother for his input before i "go public." it only takes a couple minutes for me to read it.
y'see, next tuesday afternoon, which i'm hoping to be more of a life celebration, rather than an afternoon of tears, the nursing home where my dear mother spent the last 8 years of her life, debilitated with alzheimer's, is having a service of remembrance...remembering those who passed away during the last 6 months of '08.
the strange thing is that FIFTY YEARS ago (OMG-osh!) my brother and i used to go with our youth group to hold services in this same chapel. then later, our mom also went regularly and she led services there. eventually we found ourselves, with mom in her wheelchair, going to services, again in that same chapel, but now led by others. and to bring it full cycle, i'll go next week to this same beautiful little chapel, to attend a service.... with mom looking down...not from the balcony, but Heaven itself.
a little hard to grasp....that simple paragraph encircles a half century. also hard to grasp...mom left us 5 months ago, but because of that heinous disease, she actually left us 12 years ago. our comfort is that mom is once again filled with JOY unspeakable for all eternity!
y'see, next tuesday afternoon, which i'm hoping to be more of a life celebration, rather than an afternoon of tears, the nursing home where my dear mother spent the last 8 years of her life, debilitated with alzheimer's, is having a service of remembrance...remembering those who passed away during the last 6 months of '08.
the strange thing is that FIFTY YEARS ago (OMG-osh!) my brother and i used to go with our youth group to hold services in this same chapel. then later, our mom also went regularly and she led services there. eventually we found ourselves, with mom in her wheelchair, going to services, again in that same chapel, but now led by others. and to bring it full cycle, i'll go next week to this same beautiful little chapel, to attend a service.... with mom looking down...not from the balcony, but Heaven itself.
a little hard to grasp....that simple paragraph encircles a half century. also hard to grasp...mom left us 5 months ago, but because of that heinous disease, she actually left us 12 years ago. our comfort is that mom is once again filled with JOY unspeakable for all eternity!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
So...how in the world does one research old stuff? i mean, like, really, really, REALLY old stuff! the book i am reading, which i just got the other day and i'm half finished--yes! it is THAT interesting! but the chapter-parts are separated (and named) according to chronological years--are you ready?--beginning with A.D. 100! i KNOW!! we're talking one thousand-nine hundred-nine years ago! i mean, WHERE exactly is that section in my local library?
from there it goes to A.D. 100-325. another jump to A.D. 325 to 600. part 4 (the part i'm up to now) goes from A.D. 600 to 1517. ooooh, big jump, there! y'know what is shocking? some of the problems these dear people were going through literally a thousand years ago were precisely the same as some of the problems our world is presently facing! isn't that incredible?
i know. a thousand years is usually my cliche for something i did a long, long time ago, but this non-fiction book is really telling of things a thousand years ago. i'm so fascinated by how the author had even begun to think about gathering his research for writing this book. it's not like you can call a white-haired relative, Umm, uncle eddie, uh, do you or aunt mabel remember that situation that ummm..." nor is it a "man on the street" interview you could ever conduct. wow! i mean, just how far back does "wiki" go, anyway?
i am impressed, really. not only with the vast amount of interesting information in this book, but also, as i mentioned, that there truly IS nothing new under the sun.
from there it goes to A.D. 100-325. another jump to A.D. 325 to 600. part 4 (the part i'm up to now) goes from A.D. 600 to 1517. ooooh, big jump, there! y'know what is shocking? some of the problems these dear people were going through literally a thousand years ago were precisely the same as some of the problems our world is presently facing! isn't that incredible?
i know. a thousand years is usually my cliche for something i did a long, long time ago, but this non-fiction book is really telling of things a thousand years ago. i'm so fascinated by how the author had even begun to think about gathering his research for writing this book. it's not like you can call a white-haired relative, Umm, uncle eddie, uh, do you or aunt mabel remember that situation that ummm..." nor is it a "man on the street" interview you could ever conduct. wow! i mean, just how far back does "wiki" go, anyway?
i am impressed, really. not only with the vast amount of interesting information in this book, but also, as i mentioned, that there truly IS nothing new under the sun.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Surprise Visits = JOY
Two very nice surprise visits today: middle daughter (who has birthday tomorrow!), accompanied by "little sock feet" in the morning, and a lengthy, chatty visit with the world's best brother this afternoon. Two very nice ways to break up a cloudy grey laundry day! plus, i even managed to get in some grocery shopping...and, yes, finished the laundry too. what a woman!
my brother who lives 3,000 miles from me called just as i entered the grocery store so i told him i didn't need too much and would whip through and call him back in an hour. man, i FLEW thru those aisles! (am i the only one who wonders what people think when they see someone rushing, almost to the extent of running?) but i was home and cold-stuff in fridge and freezer and was on the sofa, kitty in lap, and my brother and i "visited" for about an hour via the "miracle" of cellular.
i JUST got added to my hubby's phone plan so we share minutes now. uh-oh! first day on family share plan and i spoke for an hour! i sure hope hubby's boss will understand when he has to turn off his phone and not take any more calls til april. oooops, sorry, boss! wifey used all our minutes for the month; ok if i catch ya next month? boss? BOSS??! HEY! just joshin'!
mixing fun visits with a productive day in the background equals a VERY fine day! hope your monday was filled with JOY as well.
my brother who lives 3,000 miles from me called just as i entered the grocery store so i told him i didn't need too much and would whip through and call him back in an hour. man, i FLEW thru those aisles! (am i the only one who wonders what people think when they see someone rushing, almost to the extent of running?) but i was home and cold-stuff in fridge and freezer and was on the sofa, kitty in lap, and my brother and i "visited" for about an hour via the "miracle" of cellular.
i JUST got added to my hubby's phone plan so we share minutes now. uh-oh! first day on family share plan and i spoke for an hour! i sure hope hubby's boss will understand when he has to turn off his phone and not take any more calls til april. oooops, sorry, boss! wifey used all our minutes for the month; ok if i catch ya next month? boss? BOSS??! HEY! just joshin'!
mixing fun visits with a productive day in the background equals a VERY fine day! hope your monday was filled with JOY as well.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Just Buddies
They could've been huck finn and tom sawyer. the sight of the two caught my eye as i pulled into my driveway yesterday. "buds" just hangin' together, talkin' and yukkin' it up, on a sunny kinda-sorta-warm afternoon. they sat on the ledge that overlooked the tiny stream that runs between the back of our homes, that i "affectionately" refer to as the ditch. but there they were, feet dangling over the edge, legs swinging back and forth. passing the time, idling the day, shooting the breeze...both wearing an identical baseball cap, both in baggy white t-shirts and jeans.
so why did i have the urgency to call the police?
well, perhaps, just may-beeee, because these buddies were not so cute; they were old enough to drive and they were smoking what i hoped were cigarettes, and washing down their tobacco with a quart bottle each had of malt liquor! drinking in public. brazenly. broad daylight. just a tiny touch of guilt in the one, cause (as i watched from the upstairs window) he kept looking around, checking constantly over his shoulder, wondering if that lady who just pulled into her driveway and spotted us is gonna call the cops on us. the other one i knew as a neighbor a couple houses away, and he had been the terror of the neighborhood since he was old enough to walk out his front door; i doubted he would know guilt if it walked up and slapped him in the face.
it has, for years, struck me as ironic that the same people who think they are old enough to drink, are obviously not old enough to know that you don't litter other people's lawns with all your empties! devil-may-care-attitudes; just see how far you can throw it across the street. oh! missed! o well, the shattering of glass in the street made a neat sound. here, let's throw this one and see if we can hit that tree. ah, what the h---!
so why did i have the urgency to call the police?
well, perhaps, just may-beeee, because these buddies were not so cute; they were old enough to drive and they were smoking what i hoped were cigarettes, and washing down their tobacco with a quart bottle each had of malt liquor! drinking in public. brazenly. broad daylight. just a tiny touch of guilt in the one, cause (as i watched from the upstairs window) he kept looking around, checking constantly over his shoulder, wondering if that lady who just pulled into her driveway and spotted us is gonna call the cops on us. the other one i knew as a neighbor a couple houses away, and he had been the terror of the neighborhood since he was old enough to walk out his front door; i doubted he would know guilt if it walked up and slapped him in the face.
it has, for years, struck me as ironic that the same people who think they are old enough to drink, are obviously not old enough to know that you don't litter other people's lawns with all your empties! devil-may-care-attitudes; just see how far you can throw it across the street. oh! missed! o well, the shattering of glass in the street made a neat sound. here, let's throw this one and see if we can hit that tree. ah, what the h---!
Friday, March 6, 2009

well, i had a wonderful time with grandchild #4 (aka little-sock-feet) today. and at 3 1/2 he was just as fascinated by the live webcams as his nana! I'll attach the link here but i'm new at "attaching" so i can't promise where it might take you. little-sock-feet sat curled lovingly in my lap for a while checking out the penguins and otters and aquarium swimmers, of which the sharks and stingrays were his favorite. then we switched over to the African bush live web cam and sure enough, it was on a family of huge rhinoceros!

after enjoying that together, we went outside to play for quite a while in what little snow was still left in a pile from the snowplow earlier this week. as i stood by enjoying his activity of kicking the snow, climbing the "mountain," and then stomping in the little puddles, it just warmed my heart watching this little one, thinking back to when my own were that size. ............sigh.....wasn't that just "yesterday?"
well now! my third ever "by-line" appeared in today's newspaper! my letter to the editor was printed! isn't it funny how our own name is so well known to us, yet when you see it in print, it's as though you're meeting your self for the very first time; i wonder why it is so exciting? (or, quite possibly it isn't, unless you are an aspiring writer.) the editorial page gave me a big long headline too: "Special obligations may be what got us into this mess in the first place." then you get to the end of my letter, and there's my by-line, but what i didn't even notice, and my hubby pointed out to me: my name is misspelled. o well; i know who i am.
a thousand years ago i wrote to Parents magazine and they published whatever it was that i wrote--too long ago for me to remember what it was. (c'mon, give me a break; you don't remember things from a thousand years ago either.) and then--o MY, waaaay back in the 80's, i wrote a real genuine article and it sold to a magazine. they actually sent me a check and i was so thrilled! but then i waited and waited (and waited some more) to see it printed...but never did. as it happened, we were having dinner much later with friends and the editor of the magazine that purchased my article was also eating with us, so i mentioned that they still hadn't printed my article and he promised to check on it when he returned to the "left coast." he checked on it all right, but instead of having them print it, they returned it to me! well, phooey; THAT'S not what i wanted! but then the thought occurred to me that if it was good enough to be purchased once, perhaps it was good enough to be grabbed up by another magazine. so i sent it out again and it was bought and paid for a second time! and not only printed, but illustrated as well. how cool was THAT!
BTW, i was Soooooo tempted to purposely missspelll misspellings in my title. (tee hee)
a thousand years ago i wrote to Parents magazine and they published whatever it was that i wrote--too long ago for me to remember what it was. (c'mon, give me a break; you don't remember things from a thousand years ago either.) and then--o MY, waaaay back in the 80's, i wrote a real genuine article and it sold to a magazine. they actually sent me a check and i was so thrilled! but then i waited and waited (and waited some more) to see it printed...but never did. as it happened, we were having dinner much later with friends and the editor of the magazine that purchased my article was also eating with us, so i mentioned that they still hadn't printed my article and he promised to check on it when he returned to the "left coast." he checked on it all right, but instead of having them print it, they returned it to me! well, phooey; THAT'S not what i wanted! but then the thought occurred to me that if it was good enough to be purchased once, perhaps it was good enough to be grabbed up by another magazine. so i sent it out again and it was bought and paid for a second time! and not only printed, but illustrated as well. how cool was THAT!
BTW, i was Soooooo tempted to purposely missspelll misspellings in my title. (tee hee)
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Aqaurium Visit
i "traveled" 3,000 miles a short time ago, and stopped in to the Monteray Bay Aquarium to check on the feeding of the penguins and the Outer Bay Exhibit feeding. i'm telling you! the world of webcams are truly, truly a JOY in our modern age! the neat thing about this one is that a couple years ago i DID actually visit this aquarium with my west coast family. so when i open up their various live webcams (they have a half dozen of them to view), it all looked so familiar, and just as i remembered it. the coolest ever!
their outer bay cam actually plays marvelous, relaxing music as you watch the plethora of sea life swimming by--truly a blood pressure-lowering experience. they narrated the different feedings also, so it was a learning experience. for instance, when they feed the sting rays, the rays come right to the surface (of the million gallon aquarium) and roll over on their backs. the workers actually place the food right on the rays' belly! and if you've ever seen the underside of the rays, with their little mouth and eyes, they really have a cute little face.
they also mentioned that the blue fin tunas (theirs are about 500 pounds, but they can get to three times that size out in the ocean), are the ones used for sushi. they said that a mere 400 pounder was recently caught and sold to the fish markets in Japan for (don't quote me, but i'm pretty sure they said) $1,500!!!! [i hate it when i want to--but can't--recall every little detail!!]
so, while this wasn't on my list of things to do today, i did enjoy my strolls through the aquarium and visited not only the outer bay tank, but listened in on and saw the otters being fed and also the penquins' feeding. a miracle of the same world-wide-web that ate up too much of my time yesterday, but gave me about a half hour of enjoyment and education today. check it out! you'll find yourself back home in no time and you can even keep their music on in the background while you get right back to the daily chores that ARE on the to-do list, guilt-free!
their outer bay cam actually plays marvelous, relaxing music as you watch the plethora of sea life swimming by--truly a blood pressure-lowering experience. they narrated the different feedings also, so it was a learning experience. for instance, when they feed the sting rays, the rays come right to the surface (of the million gallon aquarium) and roll over on their backs. the workers actually place the food right on the rays' belly! and if you've ever seen the underside of the rays, with their little mouth and eyes, they really have a cute little face.
they also mentioned that the blue fin tunas (theirs are about 500 pounds, but they can get to three times that size out in the ocean), are the ones used for sushi. they said that a mere 400 pounder was recently caught and sold to the fish markets in Japan for (don't quote me, but i'm pretty sure they said) $1,500!!!! [i hate it when i want to--but can't--recall every little detail!!]
so, while this wasn't on my list of things to do today, i did enjoy my strolls through the aquarium and visited not only the outer bay tank, but listened in on and saw the otters being fed and also the penquins' feeding. a miracle of the same world-wide-web that ate up too much of my time yesterday, but gave me about a half hour of enjoyment and education today. check it out! you'll find yourself back home in no time and you can even keep their music on in the background while you get right back to the daily chores that ARE on the to-do list, guilt-free!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
What's on Your Dining Room Table?
Did you notice my new photo? i changed my veggie-happy-face to a more fitting bluebird nest. i was amazed at myself for remembering how to make the change and drop in one of my photos.
i just finished watching in my binoculars the ladderbacked woodpecker, who was feeding on the sunflower seed suet we hung out. our six feeders have kept lots of birds busy this week, with all the snow on the ground. yesterday the thistle feeder was practically emptied by a frenzy of about 10 or 12 goldfinches, all vying for the perches to enjoy their meal head-down. what a crazy way to eat. Blue jays, chickadees, juncos, song sparrows, titmouse, cardinals, cowbirds, redwing blackbirds, brewer blackbirds; what an absolute treat!
when i just laid the binoculars on the dining room table, i had to smile. it brought my thoughts back to about 30 years ago when i often visited an old uncle with whom most of the family just couldn't get along, but he and his wife and i somehow built up a great rapport. his binoculars were always on the dining room table. when you have birds in the backyard, a handy pair of binoculars are a must! but i had to smile at myself, cause also on the dining room table is my lead pencil and a copy of the daily crossword puzzle. now with uncle al, it was different: he was OLD. but how in the world did my dining room table get to look a little bit like his, i wonder? then i realized that i am now a mere 8 or 9 years younger than he was, when i regularly visited him. WHAT?? wait....WHA?
i wonder why the inside of me never notices or feels the change or progression of years? it's not that i mind being older; i actually enjoy many aspects of it. (that's another blog.) it just is sheer and honest amazement to me: that inside me i'm still me, but outside me i am a woman of age. that just tickles me!
i just finished watching in my binoculars the ladderbacked woodpecker, who was feeding on the sunflower seed suet we hung out. our six feeders have kept lots of birds busy this week, with all the snow on the ground. yesterday the thistle feeder was practically emptied by a frenzy of about 10 or 12 goldfinches, all vying for the perches to enjoy their meal head-down. what a crazy way to eat. Blue jays, chickadees, juncos, song sparrows, titmouse, cardinals, cowbirds, redwing blackbirds, brewer blackbirds; what an absolute treat!
when i just laid the binoculars on the dining room table, i had to smile. it brought my thoughts back to about 30 years ago when i often visited an old uncle with whom most of the family just couldn't get along, but he and his wife and i somehow built up a great rapport. his binoculars were always on the dining room table. when you have birds in the backyard, a handy pair of binoculars are a must! but i had to smile at myself, cause also on the dining room table is my lead pencil and a copy of the daily crossword puzzle. now with uncle al, it was different: he was OLD. but how in the world did my dining room table get to look a little bit like his, i wonder? then i realized that i am now a mere 8 or 9 years younger than he was, when i regularly visited him. WHAT?? wait....WHA?
i wonder why the inside of me never notices or feels the change or progression of years? it's not that i mind being older; i actually enjoy many aspects of it. (that's another blog.) it just is sheer and honest amazement to me: that inside me i'm still me, but outside me i am a woman of age. that just tickles me!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Little Arms
Being a mother and a grandmother is just about the truest form of JOY there is! there is little to compare! when you feel little arms wrap around your neck and give hugs, it is the best blessing one could ever hope for in this crazy, mixed up world! a child's hug warms my heart same as hot cocoa warms the child's little tummy.
my little ones are spread in ages from 5 months up to (almost) 11 years old. it'd be fine with me if i had as many as "the old woman who lived in a shoe." cause unlike that old woman, i DO know what to do. it's usually the simplest things that we have fun with, and it costs next to nothing. you can say a lot about all the electronic gadgets in toy stores...can you really find a toy for kids nowaday that does not require $8 in batteries?!...but the things i amuse the li'l kidlets with require no batteries. the age old fun things like construction paper, crayons, stickers and labels (that are sent free in the mail), paper hats from newspaper, going for a walk, finding fall color leaves, chasing your shadow in the back yard, tossing peanuts and stale crackers out for the birds, and so much more. when the 3 year old says: tv, tv, tv, i just explain that my tv doesn't work well in the daytime...which it doesn't, because it's very seldom ON in the daytime (and not that often in the nighttime either, for that matter.)
we give out hugs generously as needed. i snitch a kiss now and then and whisper in their little ears how much i love them. today, after 3 hours of fun, the 5 year old (while he was sitting on the toilet) called to me, "i am bored at your house now." i shared with him that my children were "not allowed" to tell me they were bored, or i would give them a chore to do (usually go to the back yard and pick up twigs & sticks). little chores are the perfect cure for boredom. so are little grandchildren.
my little ones are spread in ages from 5 months up to (almost) 11 years old. it'd be fine with me if i had as many as "the old woman who lived in a shoe." cause unlike that old woman, i DO know what to do. it's usually the simplest things that we have fun with, and it costs next to nothing. you can say a lot about all the electronic gadgets in toy stores...can you really find a toy for kids nowaday that does not require $8 in batteries?!...but the things i amuse the li'l kidlets with require no batteries. the age old fun things like construction paper, crayons, stickers and labels (that are sent free in the mail), paper hats from newspaper, going for a walk, finding fall color leaves, chasing your shadow in the back yard, tossing peanuts and stale crackers out for the birds, and so much more. when the 3 year old says: tv, tv, tv, i just explain that my tv doesn't work well in the daytime...which it doesn't, because it's very seldom ON in the daytime (and not that often in the nighttime either, for that matter.)
we give out hugs generously as needed. i snitch a kiss now and then and whisper in their little ears how much i love them. today, after 3 hours of fun, the 5 year old (while he was sitting on the toilet) called to me, "i am bored at your house now." i shared with him that my children were "not allowed" to tell me they were bored, or i would give them a chore to do (usually go to the back yard and pick up twigs & sticks). little chores are the perfect cure for boredom. so are little grandchildren.
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