YAY!!! ...or... as i typed the other day without realizing my fingers were on the wrong keys: TAT!!! (get it? the letter T is right next to the Y on the keyboard, and i was looking out the window as i tried typing YAY. when i looked back at the screen and saw TAT it made me laugh; so that's my new yippee word!) but that's not my subject; my subject today is JOY, JOY, JOY!
i found my JOY today. it was good 'n' lost yesterday, but i found it today. several reasons; one of course is that those creative writers of yore, with all their descriptions of spotty rain, scattered rain, intermittent showers, isolated t-storms, etc, etc, etc, FINALLY show me ONLY a SUN icon! TAT for THAT!!!!!!
plus the fact, that as i raced a storm last evening, trying to finish the mowing before yet another cloudburst (and of course lost to the rain again), but i kept an eye on the sky (and later shot a gazillion photos of its tumultuous beautiful mix of blacks, greys, lemons, roses and apricots). then i looked up and saw a very colorful and BEAUTIFUL RAINBOW!
well, all righty, GOD! I SURELY THANK YOU FOR THAT! AND FOR THE PROMISE THAT IT BRINGS! and YES, i'm SHOUTING CAPITAL LETTERS AT YOU cause i am THAT excited over rainbows--especially those which follow over a month of rain! JOY COMETH IN THE MORNING, the Bible tells me.
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