Friday, November 21, 2008

Recipes & Chirps

New recipe last night was a success, and while it looked like enough for "an army" while i was making it, just 2 of us did a pretty good job on it, with just enough for me to finish for lunch today! I couldn't make up my mind if it was more Mexican or more Italian; nevertheless, it was quite tasty, and very easy to make--my favorite combination! it was zucchini kielbasa, and like all recipes i make, i did change it a little, but i basically followed the book.

the seafood bisque from the other night turned out good too, but even tho i know bisques are typically thicker than chowders, i thought it was a little too thick. so when i heated the little bit leftover, i added more milk and thought it was much better. so, the two new recipes this week were both winners!

Totally unrelated, i'm still (im-)patiently waiting to hear the wonderful chirps of my new parakeet, whitey. he had a lot to "say" in the pet store when i bought him 2 weeks ago so that cloudy would have company after sunny died. but whitey is still adjusting and has been very quiet. well, TWICE this morning, i was VERY delighted to hear short trills and chirps. The first time i heard it however, i realized that it wasn't whitey OR cloudy--it was the 8 a.m. song sparrow sound on my bird clock, singing on the hour. then, just as i was typing this post, i jumped up to see if it was cloudy or whitey this time (for SURE) chirping away. when i saw them both preening feathers instead, i glanced over my shoulder and sure enough!! it was the bird clock chirping the hour with sounds from the belted kingfisher! okay, okay, i fell for it twice! i fully expect that when the tufted titmouse announces ten o'clock, i will have learned my lesson and not go rushing toward the parakeet cage!

JOY today is looking out my window and seeing TEN different kinds of birds feeding in our yard! And glowing between the large snow flakes are all the beautiful red cardinals! i'm SO thankful God made birds!

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